7 Yoga Poses for Stiff and Tight Hips

7 Yoga Poses for Stiff and Tight Hips

Many people have tight, stiff, and inflexible hips. The biggest cause of this tightness is a sedentary lifestyle. Tight hips aren’t just uncomfortable but can also lead to all sorts of pains and aches. The tightness of hip flexors is also the cause of almost all...
The 7 Most Popular Yoga Styles – Explained

The 7 Most Popular Yoga Styles – Explained

Yoga is practiced for several reasons – stress relief, fitness, mindfulness, and spiritual reasons like connecting with the “self.” Today an array of options exist, some of the most popular being Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Hot yoga. So, what is the...
Psoriasis: Learn to Manage its Symptoms with Yoga

Psoriasis: Learn to Manage its Symptoms with Yoga

Psoriasis is a skin condition that can impact your life in many ways. This chronic skin problem affects approximately 2% of the world’s population, affecting men and women equally. Its severity varies from person to person and can cause minor irritation to...
7 Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat Fast

7 Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat Fast

Have you been fighting the battle of the bulge to no avail? Does your unwanted belly “baggage” bug you? A healthy and flat tummy is imperative for all body functions. Maintaining the abdominal muscles in good condition is important for overall fitness....
Back Pain: 5 Amazing Yoga Poses for Complete Relief

Back Pain: 5 Amazing Yoga Poses for Complete Relief

Are you dealing with back pain? If yes, you are not the only one. Back pain is the most common reason people see a doctor. Back pain can affect your quality of life in many ways. Chronic back pain can lead to physical ailments, affect your mood, and even...
7 Best Yoga Mudras for Better Health and Wellbeing

7 Best Yoga Mudras for Better Health and Wellbeing

Yoga mudras are gestures performed mostly with fingers and hands. They help the flow of energy in the body, enhance vitality, change moods, mitigate pain, and connect the brain to the body. There are more than 100 known energizing mudras in yoga that can bring mental...
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