
Ekadashi fasting is a spiritual practice in both Jainism and Hinduism used from time immemorial to disconnect the senses from materialism to divinity. Fasting on Ekadashi can bring health and vibrance to the body and allow you to turn your awareness inwards. Ekadashi fast is considered greater in merit than observing any sacrifice or visiting any places of pilgrimage. Fasting on this day destroys all the obstacles to spiritual progress.


What is Ekadashi?


The word Ekadashi in Sanskrit means eleven. Ekadashi is the 11th day of the lunar calendar, counting both from the full moon and from the new moon. It is an auspicious day that comes every month of the Hindu calendar and holds immense significance. This day is deemed the most pious day for absolving all your sins and bestows loads of health benefits also.

Ekadashi falls every month twice on the waxing and waning phase of the moon. The waxing of the moon starts during the phase from the new moon to the full moon. During this time moon is closest to the earth, and the illuminated area increases in size every day. The moon wanes from the phase between the full moon and the next new moon. During this time, the illuminated area becomes smaller in size every day.


Significance and Relevance of Ekadashi Fast


According to Bhagwad Gita, Ekadashi is the day when Lord Krishna narrated to Arjuna the significance and different ways of fasting on this day. It is an important fast for those who have faith and who worship Lord Vishnu. There are 24 Ekadashis in a year and each holds a special significance and is linked with different incarnations of Lord Vishnu. This fast is observed to purify the soul and attain moksha. Ekadashi fast is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is considered equal to going on pilgrimage.

Ekadashi refers to the 11th day of the two fortnights of the waxing and waning phases of the moon in the lunar month. It also symbolizes the eleven senses of which five are the sense organs, five the action organs, and one mind. People in Hindu and Jain culture fast on this day to control the 11 senses and consuming only permitted food and avoiding others. Ekadashi fasting is observed to control our senses and immerse ourselves in a higher level of consciousness.


The Scientific Reason Behind Ekadashi Fasting


Ekadashi fast is considered important from a scientific point of view also. Atmospheric pressure is the lowest on Ekadashi days and therefore, it is deemed the best time to clean our bowels. Fasting on any other day when the atmospheric pressure is high can damage our system. Therefore, it is advised that after fasting on Ekadashi, one should wake up early the next day and eat as early as possible. If you eat more on Ekadashi days then that can lead to imbalance.

Moon is believed to have a significant impact on our physiological functions. From the first Ekadashi to full-moon day and from another Ekadashi to the new moon day, there is high tide in the oceans. The reason behind this is that the moon is closer to earth during this time and uses its gravitational force to pull the water towards itself. 70% of our bodies contain water and if you consume grains during the Ekadashi days then they absorb water and there is an increased risk of developing certain health conditions like cold, sinusitis, and water retention.

As per studies, from the 11th day till the fifth-day post full moon or new moon has maximum influence on our bodies and can imbalance our digestive system. This can also lead to decreased functioning of the brain, and weakened memory. Therefore, to avoid all this, it becomes important to clean our digestive system on every 11th day of the moon cycle.



Benefits of Ekadashi Fast


  • Fasting on days other than Ekadashi aggravates sleep and laziness. However, fasting on Ekadashi reduces the fat and aids weight loss within the body.
  • During the Ekadashi fast, you spend more time in spiritual activities, which helps you attain both external and internal purity.
  • It is believed that the movement of the moon has a direct impact on human minds. Hence fasting on this day helps our minds attain optimum efficiency and improves our brain’s capacity to concentrate.
  • Ekadashi fasting lowers cholesterol and reduces insulin resistance.
  • It enhances the mental stability of people suffering from depression and anxiety.
  • Fasting also improves digestion, respiration, and circulation.
  • It can also reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the body.
  • For Hindus, Ekadashi fast is done for Lord Vishnu and is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and harmony.
  • It is also believed to purify the soul and help devout observers attain salvation.
  • Because of low atmospheric pressure, the body can be cleaned without experiencing any pain.
  • On the fasting day, one feels physically and mentally relaxed and light due to the intensified flow of energy.
  • The physiological functions of our body are mainly influenced by the moon and its magnetic pull. Fasting on Ekadashi helps regulate the flow of fluids in the body, maintaining good health.
  • Ekadashi days are considered best for meditation and concentrating on prayers.
  • The day can help you get the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
  • Fasting cleanses the blood and enhances the functioning of the kidneys and liver.


How to Fast on Ekadashi?


The most authentic way to observe Ekadashi fast is to fast completely without taking water which is called Nirjala Ekadashi. If you cannot do nirjala fast, you can take just water which is called Sajala Ekadashi. However, if you have a problem with that also, you can consume milk and fruit and this type of fasting is called Farali Ekadashi. The last option is to take non-grainy foods like vegetables, nuts once during the fast, excluding onion and garlic.

There are certain foods that can be consumed on the day of Ekadashi – fruits, potato, sweet potato, olive, milk, nuts, ghee, ginger, back pepper, and sugar. Foods to be avoided include all types of lentils, pulses, sesame, asafoetida, beans, spices, meat, fish, onion,and garlic.

The day before the fast people consume a single meal in the afternoon. This is because no residual food should be left in the stomach on the day of fasting. The fast begins the next day with sunrise and ends the following day with the sunrise.

Rules to follow

  • Wake up early.
  • Stay calm and polite.
  • Practice self-discipline.
  • Maintain celibacy.
  • Refrain from indulging in violence, lying, and deceit.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking.
  • Old, infirm, and pregnant women should not observe this fast.


How to Break Ekadashi Fast?


Ekadashi fast is broken the next day after sunrise. If you have not observed a complete fast without even water, it should be broken by consuming grains. However, if you have fasted without water you can break it with non-grain food items like fruits and milk. The fast should preferably be broken with liquids as having solids too quickly can lead to stomachaches.


The Takeaway


Fasting on Ekadashi can help you achieve a state of inner peace, balance, and harmony. It can also train your mind for self-control and to gain greater self-knowledge.


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