” Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed” – B.K.S. Iyengar
Yoga never had a single purpose for its seekers. For some it is a means to attain higher awareness and connection, while for others it could simply be stretching and flexing. Yoga is not just about physical postures but much more. Yoga is a holistic lifestyle which can bring balance, health and happiness into your life.
Yoga can change your mind, body, eating habits, the way you approach life and most important “you”.
Yoga Nidra for Sleep and Anxiety
Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, is a powerful meditation practice for stress relief, deep relaxation, and emotional healing, combining ancient techniques with modern benefits.
Yoga Stretches for Bloating
Bloating can be an uncomfortable and distressing condition that affects many individuals. It occurs when the abdomen feels swollen or distended due to excess gas production or disturbances in the digestive system. While various factors contribute to bloating,...
Yoga for Constipation: Easy Poses to Improve Digestion
Almost everybody is affected by constipation sometimes in their lives. Hectic schedules, poor nutrition choices, dehydration, lack of physical activity, and stress, can manifest in your digestive system causing either loose stools, infrequent bowel movements, or...
10 Morning Yoga Stretches to Energize and Wake You Up
There is no best time to do yoga. You can do it any time of the day and will receive all the wonderful benefits of yoga, regardless of the time of the day you practice it. However, there are numerous reasons to practice yoga in the morning to really reap its many...
How to do Bhastrika Pranayama?
What is Bhastrika Pranayama? Bhastrika pranayama or bellows breathing is a powerful breathing exercise in yoga. This yogic breath of fire involves rapid inhalations and exhalations powered by the movement of the diaphragm. This fast and forceful movement of air is...
Surya Namaskar: A Complete Body Workout to Develop Strength and Flexibility
Sun has been revered from time immemorial as both a source of vitality and spirituality. The significance of the sun can be traced from Indian, Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec, and Tibetan civilizations. Apart from the spiritual reasons, scientifically also life cannot sustain...
What is Hot Yoga? Learn its Benefits and Risks
What is Hot Yoga? Hot yoga is a vigorous type of Yoga that is performed in hot and humid conditions with temperatures between 85 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a popular form of fitness-oriented yoga and is said to deliver a plethora of calorie-burning and...
8 Standing Yoga Poses to Build Better Balance
We all struggle to find balance at some point in life. There are many sports like skating, snowboarding, surfing that need an extra amount of balance. But simple daily activities like walking, stepping up the stairs, even carrying our groceries require us to stay...
Is Yoga a Religion? Is Yoga Related to Hinduism?
What does yoga mean to Hindus, Christians, or people of other faiths? Many religions believe that the main traits of yoga are not in accordance with their religious beliefs. Today the practice of yoga has become so controversial and confounding. People all over the...
How to do the “King of Hip Openers” – One-legged King Pigeon Pose?
Ek Pada Rajakapotasana or One-legged King Pigeon Pose is a seated back-bending pose and a great hip opener. The pose puffs the chest, making the practitioner look like a pigeon. This pose prepares your body for backbends and seated postures. It is a great antidote to...